Searcy, Arkansas – Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Saturday, June 4, was a zero day. Since we were in Grenada, Mississippi which is about 200 miles from Searcy, AR (where we have an appointment on Monday to fix the front fogged windows) we decided to take the day off and explore the surrounding area. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but once again it was over 100 degrees and doing much of anything outside was questionable.
Research uncovered the fact that we were in an area of a number of flood control projects and what was apparently an area of major activity during the Civil war. We located the visitor center which covered both items and off we went.
In 1927 there was a flood greater than any other flood according to old timers of that period. Once again the Mighty Mississippi had overflowed her banks. Over $500,000,000 in private money had been spent building flood control projects to no avail. The people petitioned the US government and eventually got them to approve a unified flood control program for the Mississippi River in the mid 1940’s.
The dam, part of the Mississippi River flood control program we visited in Grenada, was completed in 1954. It makes a nice lake for recreation and boating, but it sure is muddy.
We also visited one of the Civil War forts in the area. It was a fairly simple affair shaped like a triangle with three cannon.
You would think on this trip that we were only traveling with one cat. During the day, one cat just disappears and the other is in the middle of everything, and is quick to let us know when something does not meet her approval.
Sunday, June 5 was a travel day. We took the interstate to Memphis and spent maybe 15 minutes in Tennessee. We crossed the Mississippi River and were in Arkansas. The flooding in Memphis has subsided, but to the west there are still some areas with high water. We saw several barns and houses that were flooded and one house surrounded by sandbags to keep the water out.
We arrived at the RV Fog Dr at 2PM and were met by the owners wife. Then the owner showed up and showed us where to park and pointed out the hookups(everything including sewer) for the RV. The building we’re parked next to is fairly new and they hadn’t finished grading the parking lot. This next picture shows that they have more work to do. And yes, that is daylight under the front tires.
Monday, June 6 they moved us inside the building to remove the windows. We were the first RV to park and their newly finished floor.
That afternoon they gave us the bad news. Several pieces of glass would need to be replaced because they have become etched and they can not buff them out. They are tempered glass and the nearest place to get glass tempered is Memphis. It’ll take a week to get the glass over and back. But, if we wanted to take the glass to Memphis, the turnaround would be a day. Ok, so we’re going back to Memphis tomorrow, they said to be there around 1PM. This afternoon they will cut the glass and have it ready for us to take.
Around 4 PM, more bad news. The place that tempers the glass did not get their shipment from Pittsburg Glass today so they will not be firing up the furnace Tuesday morning. And they will not start the furnace for our 4 little pieces of glass. So now we’re stuck. Two big holes in the front of the RV and no new glass. It’s possible we won’t get out of here until Thursday. So here we are…”Stuck in Searcy” awaiting for the word on when we can get “Fired Up in Memphis”.
Meanwhile, we have seen all there is to see in Searcy and there are no Malls to go and walk around in. We did take a walk around 8:30 last night, but it was still 96 degrees and humid. No Wifi or TV reception(but we do have the DVD for movies) at site. Will have to go to McDonalds to get internet. Relaxing, working on small projects and reading in the comfort of the RV until we hear more.
Latest news Tues at 3pm. We can take the glass to Memphis tomorrow at noon and the guys here will stay late to install them when we return. We’ll get confirmation in the morning before we make the trek. If all works out, we will be back on the road Thursday morning. Also got the code for the Wifi here and don’t have to go to McDonalds(darn).
Miles Today | 0 | Total Miles | 831 |
Total Food $ | 22.38 | Total Fuel $ | 331.1 |
Total Fun $ | 0 | Total Camping $ | 101.39 |
Looks like the typical SNAFU! At least your retired and can spend the time to get it right!
ReplyDeleteI expect you are now experts in making tempered glass!!
ReplyDeleteActually we did get a tour of the facility while we were there. There's a 700 degree oven, a 1200 degree oven, and a cooling tunnel. It's all computerized and automated. The humans put it in and the humans take it out. The rest is all mechanized.