Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Repeat of Tok

Young’s Chevron back lot, Tok Alaska – June 10, 2014

We’re dragging our feet again. Check out here at the Chicken Gold Camp is 11AM and no way this duo is making that. We still have some sight seeing to do here in Chicken and EJ hasn’t been able to cash in her coupon for a free chicken at the Gold Panner RV Park.

So the day starts with a sausage egg soufflé and a mocha latte. A little bit of elegance in the wilderness.

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As we begin our walk through the metropolis of Chicken, EJ spies the remains of a robin's egg.

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EJ picks up her free chicken which has now found a home in Big Guy.

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In the heart of downtown Chicken we peruse the shopping opportunities.

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Inside the world famous Chicken Saloon.

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And every where you look there are chickens lurking.

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Well, it’s after 11AM. We missed the checkout time at Chicken Gold Camp. But it’s time to stop dragging our feet and get on the road. The plan is for EJ to drive the Element instead of Big Guy towing it. That way if something funky starts happening with the tires she can feel it right away and stop.

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Continuing our role of being a rolling roadblock, we cruise along at 45 MPH. The warning on the donut tire exhorts us not to exceed 50MPH.

Our first stop is Willards, the recommended auto/RV repair shop in Tok. Unfortunately, even though we scoured the property for a used 215/70R16 tire, there were none to be found. Willard told me only two other places in Tok handled tires and that they would be expensive. Bummer.

We try the Chevron station. They have new tires but not the right size. Then I try Northern Energy. They have four tires of the right size. I buy two and have them installed on the rear. When I get back to Big Guy, EJ and I start to agonize over whether or not to replace the front tires also. Comparing the treads between the new tires and the old tires is really making the old tires look bad. We do some research online hoping to find the same tires cheaper in Fairbanks, our next stop. No luck, not only are they more expensive in Fairbanks (go figger) but there is a 6 or 7 week wait time because they would have to be ordered. We decide to buy the two front tires here in Tok. Of course they are closed now and we will have to wait until tomorrow.

After a long day, I’m about worn out, but EJ convinces me that we need to go listen to the Alaska Sweetgrass band playing just down the road.

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And of course there had to be a fun song with audience participation. Guess what we were supposed to be??

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I’m glad she talked me into it. They were good and we heard some interesting stories. For instance, Tok has no government. Therefore it has no local laws. It needs no police because there are no laws to enforce. There are no lawyers in Tok because there are no laws to  be broken. Sounds like an interesting concept.

It has been a stressful day overall, but it ended well.

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