Upon arrising at the Mineral Springs campground this morning we were inspired to do some excercises to work out the kinks caused by all the road miles. So out comes the trusty laptop and the "Motion is Lotion" dvd and we get to work. After about an hour of this we feel sufficiently unkinked and ready to get on with the day.
We decided we wanted a good hearty meal to fortify us for the road. We fired up the gps and had it locate all the local restaurants it could. We pick one and off we go only to find it out of business. Not to be daunted, we pick another and off we go again only to it out of business also. Are you beginning to see a pattern here? After spending an hour looking for a still in business local restaurant we gave up.
Frustrated and hungry we decided we needed to restock some items before we hit the road so off we headed to Walmart. Along the road to Walmart I think we saw every franchise fast food place known to man. I guess that explains what happened to all those local restaurants in Mineral Springs. (We ate at Cisco's)
Off we go on the last leg to San Angelo to see Frank's parents. Frank's dad had requested 4 cases of original flavor Dr. Pepper if we happened to find ourselves in the vicinity of Dublin. So happens, Dublin was right on the way. We also treated ourselves to a Dr. Pepper float which was delicious.
We arrived at our destination in San Angelo at 6pm.
Yup, March is a traitor.
Every damned year. After a couple of unpleasantly blustery but not
especially cold days, March let winter back out of the box… Cold AND heavy
overcast isn’...
7 hours ago
I think we went down that "No restaurant" road before in Midland!!