36 degrees overnight. That wasn't too bad. The campground we were in didn't allow generators between 8pm and 8am, so it was gas heat or nothin'. Actually we don't like using the gas furnace because it heats up to about 90 degrees then shuts off and doesn't come back on until it's 50. (It's not that bad but you get the idea.)
We stopped by the visitor center so EJ could get the passport stamped and to buy some ice for the cooler. Then it was off to the Lost Mine Trail.

This was a great hike. Because we are in the Chisos mountains (as opposed to the desert) there are lots of trees and plants. We saw mexican weeping juniper, skunkbush, oaks, mexican pinon pine and more. The views of Casa Grande peak were awsome. We climbed up to the saddle and could see for miles in all directions. While we were up there, we could see the weather moving in from the west. Rain and possibly snow are forecast for Wednesday night Thursday morning.

We also hiked the Dugout Wells trail. This was down in the desert area so we learned about Prickly Pear Cactus, Octillo, Strawberry cactus and so on. Dugout Wells was another community that didn't make it. Although it has a natural spring feeding the area, it was just too harsh to survive. At one time it even had a school and was thus called the "cultural center" of Big Bend. All that's left now is a windmill to pump water (obviously rebuilt) and a dugout area that was possibly once a house or storage shed. What a contrast from the mountains.
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