Pinedale Area, WY 7-13 to 23, 2016

Our departure was not as smooth as we would have liked. We got a late start, EJ’s GPS threw a tantrum and refused to work, and the high altitude did a number of the driver’s side window. We had to make stops to fix each problem. The window, which is double pane, had swelled due to the sea level pressure between the panes, and would no longer slide into a closed position. At this altitude the air between the glass panes had more pressure than the outside air and was pushing the panes apart. With EJ on the inside pushing out, and me on a ladder outside pushing in, we finally managed to coax it into the closed position. We will no longer open this window until we get to a lower altitude.
We are our own worst enemies when it comes to diet. We try to be good, but if one of us suggests food that is bad for us the other one says “Yeah, yeah!”. So I suggested we stop for some ice cream and my stalwart partner said “Yeah, yeah!”. We are so bad!. But while indulging our bad habits EJ got to play with this group. They stayed on the flatbed truck the whole time, but loved attention.

EJ and I had a difference of opinion as to which route we should take north. Her’s was longer. I should have listened. Mine was steep, so steep that a couple of times 15 miles an hour was our max speed. Mine took us through Steamboat Springs, CO which was a mistake as it was slow and crowded.

Oh, what fresh hell is this? Just to make things difficult the DOT decides to squeeze the road down to 10 feet wide. I know we are only 8 foot wide, but with only a foot to spare on either side made for a few tense moments.

We tried for the Elks lodge in Craig, CO but no one would answer the phone. We tried a couple of Days End recommendations, but the information was out of date and no parking signs were plastered everywhere. So we fell back to our old standby, Walmart.
We pulled into the Craig Walmart parking lot and saw all these No Parking signs. We were tired and really didn’t want to keep driving. I called the Walmart number and learned that it was a city ordinance that prevented parking overnight here, but Walmart didn’t care. Just park on the west side and don’t block traffic. Didn’t have to tell us twice.
Refreshed by a good nights sleep, we pushed on to Pindale, WY. I forgot to mention why we are headed in this direction. Friends Steve and Nancy were going to be in Pinedale and it was only a 500 mile drive so what the heck. They were going to a rally so we would only have a few days to visit before they had to leave. We checked into the Warren Bridge BLM campground and met the camp hosts, really nice people. This place really gave us a feeling of solitude.

Over the next few days we are entertained by a variety of wildlife in our campground. Some of these guys are just so cute!

This camp ground had the only dumpstation for miles. So all of the campers who’ve been out boondocking on BLM land stop by to take advantage of it. Of course, you’re supposed to pay $5 for the privelage and it keeps the camp host busy making sure they do.
Pinedale, the closest town, is about 30 minutes away. We are amazed that with all the traffic that goes through this town on the way to Jackson, WY and the Grand Teton NP that it is not a tourist town. We only found one store with tourist trinkets and doo dads. There are quite a few restaraunts and motels but nothing to attract tourists. It’s almost like the town is saying we’ll feed you and give you a place to stay the night, but then it’s time for you to mosey on down the road.
However we did see this conestoga style wagon going down the main street through town.

The Warren Bridge (never did figure who it was named for), now abandonded, crosses over the Green River.

And EJ explores the bridge. It’s still standing, but the DOT rerouted the road and the bridge is no longer used.

Right next to the abandoned bridge, a BLM road beckons. We are intrigued.

Not too far along the road we are intimidated by a herd of cows guarding the gate.

They give us the evil eye as slip by.

We’re always interested in finding boondocking spots and the road on the north side of the Green River presented a good number of opportunities.

Along the way we spotted these two guys trying to be invisible. It almost worked.

And we even came upon a small herd of antelope.

On our jaunt along the Green River we ran into some rain that had quarter sized drops. When they hit the car, they really went splat! Off in the distance the lightning is putting on quite a show. Fortunately, we reach the end of the road about the time the rain hits,
Once done exploring BLM area, we decide to go see the town of Daniel where our mail will be delivered. What we didn’t know was there was a big surprise waiting for us on the way back to the campground.

What now?! It turns out while we were exploring BLM land in the rainstorm one of the lightning strikes started a forest fire. They shut down the road back to our campground even though the fire was about 20 miles on past where we are camped. We had passed by this intersection about 10 minutes ago and it was wide open. No amount of pleading or cojoling on our part would budge the DOT guys. They would not let us through. But then we overheard one of the locals say there was a back way to get around the road block. That’s all we needed. Google came to the rescue and we plotted a way around the roadblock.
This is the smoke from the Cliff Creek Fire as seen from our campground. As you can see it’s still pretty far off.

Last we heard, this fire continued to grow and was not expected to be extinguished until late September. Only one structure, a pole barn that had been built too close to the woods had been destroyed. But this meant our friends, Steve and Nancy, were on the other side of the fire and couldn’t get back to Daniel, WY because the road, Hiway 191, was closed.
In the meantime, the smoke produced some awesome colors.

And we enjoyed a really big full moon.

And our camp host went about his duties which included raising and lowering the flag.

And we watched the fire fighting aircraft fly back and forth battling the blaze.

Finally, Steve and Nancy ran out of time because they had to come to Daniel to pick up some packages that had been delivered to their friends house and pick up thier golf cart. So they took a detour around the blocked road which added several hundred miles to their journey. Normally it is a 60 mileish trip.
We joined them at their friends and spent a few nights camped out in the back yard.

It was good to catch up as we hadn’t seen them since Alaska in 2014. There were lot’s of stories to share.

Pinedale was having a festival and advertised that a number of breweries would be showcasing their brews. Alas, only two brewers showed up and their offerings, all light beer, were disappointing.
Afterwards, Nancy wanted to show us some of the surrounding area so we went for a drive. We found several pronghorn antelope.

All too soon our visit is over and it’s time to go our separate ways. Steve and Nancy invite us to participate in thier rally. But we wander and don’t really like schedules and besides we aren’t done with this part of Wyoming yet.
See ya down the road.