Camp Walmart, Rochester, IN; Elkhart CG, Elkhart, IN; Camp Walmart, Algonquin, IL; Seward CG, Pecatonica, IL– April 20 – 25, 2014
We surprised ourselves and decided to attend the Easter Sunrise service in the amphitheater at the Mammoth Cave Campground. One of the rangers at the entrance station to the campground had mentioned it to us. This was a lady we had been dealing with almost every day as we continued to extend our stay on what seemed like a daily basis.
We set the alarm early so we would arrive on time for the 7AM service. We thought the turnout would be minimal and just consist of folks from the campground and the Mammoth Cave hotel. We put on our best jeans and cleanest shirts and figured we’d probably be among the best dressed folks there. Boy were we surprised. There must have been over a hundred people there and real quick it dawned on us that this was a big deal for the surrounding communities.
There were coats and ties, big ole Kentucky Derby style ladies hats, pink hair and short-shorts, you name it, it was probably there. It was also in the low 40’s and there were blankets and heavy jackets.
The preacher was good and when he got wound up it was a sight to behold. We didn’t realize any one could talk that long and fast and loud and never breathe. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and were glad we went.
Leaving Mammoth Cave we headed north. We had the three I’s in sight, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. The RV Hall Of Fame is in Elkhart Indiana, long time friends Jeff and Debbie live just outside Chicago, IL and Iowa was just on the way west. EJ also wanted to fill in two more state on our travel map as BG had not done IN or IL.
Back on the interstate, I-65, we encounter another traffic delay.

And we got passed by a brand new Corvette. It’s owner was more interested in talking on his cell phone than occupying his proper lane.

Mocha however, could not be bothered by any of these mundane activities.

We had several interesting experiences attempting to purchase fuel in Indiana. We attempted to fill up at a Flying ‘J’ only to find out that our discount cards would not activate the pumps in the truck lanes. So we tried a different filling station. At this one we found out that you have to have a DOT registration number and provide your license plate number before you can fill up at the truck pumps. Uhhh, that sounds like the government is getting a little too involved in my personal life for comfort. We finally found a Fuel-Mart station where we could fit in the car lanes and filled up. This would be the last time we attempt to buy diesel in Indiana.
We arrived in Rochester, Indiana and decide to stay at another Camp Walmart. Nice and quiet and we were one of three RVs staying here. Even though Rochester is not a small town, we could get no AT&T cell service or Verizion data service. Even the McDonalds located about 200 feet from where we stayed could not keep their Internet connection up and running. It had been a big day for us, we actually traveled 306 miles!
Before we left the Walmart parking lot we encountered another first for us, reserved parking for horses. Yes, we are in Amish/Mennonite country.

We only have about 60 miles to go today to get to the Elkhart Campground. We arrived about 2:15 and decided it was time to empty the clothes hamper and turn dirty clothes into clean ones. Just about the time the clothes were half done a furious storm front moved in really kicking up the wind and rain. Frank raced back to BG to close all the windows and roof hatches. The outside temperature immediately dropped 10 degrees.
The next morning we were up and off to the RV Hall of Fame Museum. They had Model Ts pulling camping trailers, Model Ts converted into campers, house cars, Cadillac motorhomes, Class Bs and Cs and much more. Some really cool and creative stuff. Over two hours well spent. Frank now gets to check that one off of his bucket list.

Since EJ had indulged my whims it was time for me to reciprocate. Time to go explore some Amish County. But first we stop at the Hill Top Restaurant for lunch and the first of many cinnamon rolls which we will review on this journey to Alaska. It filled up the plate and it was guuud! You kinda have to use your imagination to see what this magnificent pastry once looked like. We dug in and then thought, OH we should have taken a picture of it.

Now on to Amish/Mennonite country.

We saw lots of horse and buggies and they were really booking it. We also saw some really cool furniture although it was pricey. We picked up a few goodies from the bakery for later. Which lasted about 10 minutes once Frank was entrusted with their possession.
The next morning, we decided to explore some of the RV businesses around town. The first was an RV Salvage parts place located up in White Pigeon, Michigan. If you needed it, they probably had it. Boy would I love to have one of these in our neighborhood.

Then it was back to Elkhart for some sightseeing where we found this sculpture which we think means “Elkhart”. If you squint and tilt your head to the right you can see it.

We also stopped at Brad and Hall to drool over some fine RV furniture and flooring. EJ picked out the seats she wants for Big Guy.

After 3 nights we moved on to Algonquin to see some old high school buddies of Frank’s. But first though, we had to negotiate the Chicago traffic to get to Algonquin. Frank did great, but EJ was a little tense. She was at least able to snap a few pics of the elevated train and the skyline.

We made it through and arrived at Camp Walmart Algonquin and gave Jeff and Debbie a call. We thought it was about 4:30 but found out we had crossed back into Central Time Zone.

We had them over to Big Guy for a tour and then went to their house for a cookout and lots of stories. The next morning we got together for breakfast before saying goodbye. They are taking an RV trip from Chicago to Seattle in a few weeks so we may see them again.

After leaving them we did some shopping at Trader Joes and got an espresso from Starbucks. Still can’t kick the habit, not that we’re really trying.
While we were getting Big Guy ready to roll Taz found a little patch of sunshine and glommed on to it.

We drove a whole 67 miles to Pecatonica, Illinois to stay at Sewards Bluff Forest Preserve where we received one of those shocks you never like to get. Our sources indicated the sites fees would be $8 with a $2 surcharge for electricity. After trying to interpret conflicting rate schedules posted at various places in the campground we finally decided to use the fees posted on the envelope you place your payment in. It had rates for Class A, Class B and Class C although strangely it didn’t even mention trailers or tents.
So we ponied up for the Class A rates and deposited the payment in the ‘Iron Ranger’. Later the camp host came around to introduce himself and I mentioned how confusing the rate schedule was. He explained to us the Class types referred to the different campgrounds not to RVs. I mentioned that was very misleading and caused us to overpay. He apologized (not his fault) and refunded the overpayment to us saying he would collect from the ranger in the morning. But that still didn’t change the fact that in the last year rates went from $8 for seniors to $21. And that’s to dry camp. If you want electricity it’s an extra $8 per day. Hmmm, we think we’ll cross this one off our list.