We haven’t even left on our summer trip yet and we’ve already blown the schedule. “Big Guy” (so named because in comparison to our previous motorhome, “Roadie”, it is a lot bigger) has been having a major refit to its interior. It’s hard to say what precipitated the redo, but I think it started with replacing to the old crt TV with a LED flat screen and morphed into a new reclining loveseat, new flooring, and new cabinetry. That coupled with my inability to predict how long any particular phase will take has made a mockery of our initial departure date. For our friends and neighbors that carve departure and arrival dates in stone, this is driving them nuts. “You said you were leaving on the 15th. Why are you still here?”

The counter top should be installed tomorrow. I still have to figure out how to attach the floating counter piece to the hidden TV. Then it’ll be on to building drawer fronts and cabinet doors.
Along with all this, we’re trying to get wills and Durable Power of Attorneys written in case things go awry this summer. We’ve put his off for years now, but it’s time to put it to rest. It’s easy to say “Hey we’ll be dead, it won’t be our problem!” but that’s not fair to the friends and family members that will survive us. This, too, should be wrapped up in the next few days.
As for the schedule, who knows? Maybe next week sometime we’ll actually be on the road again.